Do you want to add trust and integrity to
your site?
Then join one
of the easiest and most lucrative Affiliate programs on the
Price Schedule
For every new customer you bring to us, in the first two months, every domain that customer registers from us,
you earn $5!
to Implement
provide you with everything you need. We handle the orders
and take care of the billing. All you do is fill out the
application, then upload a link to our site onto your
web site and watch the money roll in.
by Association
affiliating yourself with an Industry leader, your web
site will instantly gain the necessary online integrity
that SuperbRegistrar gives to every transaction. Customers
will know that their Domain registration is secure every
time, all the time.
and No Restrictions
do not even need to have a domain registered with Superb
to start making money today. All you need is a link. No
hoops, no restrictions.